Creating an Emitter Material in Maxwell

Note: Enable Maxwell Fire to see a preview of your render.

If modeling in Rhino:
1. Type LAYER to bring up the Layers palette.
2. In the Layers palette, create a new layer for your emitter material.
3. Click on the Material button next to the layer name.
4. In the Layer Material dialog box, click on the check box next to “Assign material by plug-in: Maxwell for Rhino.”
5. Click Create.
6. Click Edit.
7. In the Material Editor:
a. Give your material a name (e. g., “EMITTER 1”).
b. In the lower left-hand corner of the Material Editor, right-click on BDSF; choose Remove BDSF.
c. In the lower left-hand corner of the Material Editor, right-click on Layer; choose Add Emitter.
d. Under Luminance, you can choose one of several methods for illuminating your Emitter. Depending on the size of the object you are applying the material to, you may need to increase the Watts (or Power). From Maxwell: “It is important to remember that the amount of light emitted from an emitter is spread out across its surface. This means that the same emitter material will look dimmer on a large emitting surface and brighter on a smaller emitting surface.”

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